What Is An Infrared Sauna?

An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared lamps to heat your body directly, instead of heating the air around you like traditional saunas.

This gentle heat penetrates deep into your muscles, promoting relaxation and helping to relieve muscle soreness and tension.

These saunas are designed to support athletes in their quest for peak performance by providing a soothing and rejuvenating experience.


Enhanced Recovery

Accelerate muscle recovery post-training and matches.

Injury Prevention

Reduce the risk of injuries through enhanced flexibility.

Improved Performance

Boost endurance and stamina for optimal play.

Overall Wellness

Promote relaxation and mental clarity for peak focus.

How Does It Work?

Infrared saunas use infrared light to directly heat the body, rather than the surrounding air. This heat deeply penetrates tissues, promoting relaxation and muscle recovery.

Athletes benefit from increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, and detoxification, all of which contribute to enhanced performance and recovery.

Who Can Benefit From It?

Athletes, including football players and other elite sports professionals, can greatly benefit from using infrared saunas.

These individuals often experience intense physical exertion, leading to muscle soreness, fatigue, and increased risk of injury.

Infrared sauna therapy can help accelerate muscle recovery, reduce inflammation, and promote overall relaxation, enabling athletes to maintain peak performance levels.

How To Buy An Infrared Sauna

We provide personalised solutions tailored to your needs, offering comprehensive knowledge to help you make informed decisions about infrared sauna therapy.

Our commitment to personalised service is why our clients trust and value working with us at Athlete Recovery.

Health Mate Standard 2 Person Infrared Sauna Cabin

This Infrared Sauna Cabin is an exceptional product that provides therapeutic relaxation and detoxification without a plethora of extra electronic gadgets.

Expert Support

We provide personalised solutions tailored to your needs, offering comprehensive knowledge to help you make informed decisions about hyperbaric therapy.

Our commitment to personalised service is why our clients trust and value working with us at Athlete Recovery.